Well, 19 weeks is here! I would like to say it has been uneventful lately but it hasn't. My time since my last post has involved doctor appointments, sitting on the couch, and more doctor appointments. No real change. We stopped the Procardia a week after starting it because I wasn't tolerating it and it really wasn't working :( I spend my days sitting on the couch pretty uncomfortable most of the time, my body does give me a break every now and then and I use those breaks for showers, etc.
Monday night into Tuesday I really wasn't getting any relief and was starting to get concerned so I called the doctor and they had me come in for yet another ultrasound/appointment. My ultrasound showed my cervical length had gone down to 3.5 (which is normal) but with me being uncomfortable they thought they would send me to triage for monitoring. I was there for a while and the monitor showed I was having some contractions and lots of irritability. So they decided to give me a dose of a medicine called Terbutaline. It is a shot that is supposed to help "calm" my uterus down. Well, it did that but made the rest of my body go nuts!! I felt awful. My heart rate increased badly and I was shaking. I made Matt go get the nurse at one point because I thought I was going to pass out! Eventually it wore off and we were back to where we started. They gave me the option to keep me overnight and have another ultrasound in the morning or go home. I decided to stay because I was scared and being there gave me some sense of security. My night in the hospital went about as well as to be expected. I didn't sleep much (I usually don't anyway). In the morning I had my ultrasound and my cervical length went up to 4!! I guess I am just nuts! It made me happy to see this but I still remain weary because I won't know if what is going on in my body is doing something or not and based on work experience I know that if something does happen it can happen quickly and silently. They decided from now on they would bring me in for ultrasounds twice a week for reassurance and to catch it if anything does happen. As far as my discomfort goes, well, nothing. We have now tried the medications that I could possibly take while at home and they didn't work. The only other option is a medication that is an IV one and I have to be in the hospital, and it can make me feel like crap! I am not ready to do this yet and they don't think it is needed until I started having cervical change. So I went home and now am back to doing my usual :)
I have my 20 week ultrasound/appointment next week and I am hoping to then post a belly picture and maybe some pictures of the nursery since it is coming along as well!
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