I had two appointments this week. One was an ultrasound and education then the second was to actually meet with the doctor.
My ultrasound went well. Baby A no longer has a heartbeat and was getting much smaller. The sac was almost empty. This baby is now referred to as a "vanishing twin." Now we wait for the sac to disappear completely. Baby B looked great. The heartbeat was 176 and it moved again for us :) It was measuring 8 weeks even which is exactly where I was! This was a very cool ultrasound because Matt and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat this time (before we had just seen it).
Isn't it cute!?!?!!?
In other news my cysts were still huge although in looking at the measurements, they look slightly smaller. The ultrasound tech was a little surprised by the size, it was all normal for me ;)
Today, my appointment was with Dr. Bemenderfer. I was really excited about this. Since I haven't been at work, I haven't been able to see/talk with her about all this. Plus, Matt hadn't met her yet and I wanted that to happen. All went well with her. She wants to do another ultrasound in 2 weeks to check on Baby A's sac and my cysts, then I am normal OB care from there.
I return to work on August 9th. I am excited. While work is exhausting most of the time and I rarely have time to stop and pee or eat, it will give me something to do to make time fly. Sitting at home by myself, time seems to crawl....
That's all for now....will update soon!
Hi my name is Heather and I know what you are going through with the whole twins in the stomach and one of the twins does not grow. I went through it and the doctors told me that my body will digest it and i still to this day think that it is disgusting. I ended up with one of the baby's a beautiful little girl she is 7 months now and doing fine.